Kalanchoe hildebrandtii is a shrubby succulent with woody, erect, and highly branched stems that bear fleshy, glaucous to greenish leaves & is rarely grown in the UK.
It can grow up to 5 m and the stems and leaves are densely covered with minute stellate hairs giving the plant a chenile appearance.
Flowers are urn-shaped, white, pale green to yellow, and appear in Summer.
Please Note: Succulents change colour throughout the year and the plants we deliver can look different from the pictures. All plants are shipped bare root (without soil).
Native to |
Madagascar |
Hardiness | 5c |
Growth | Shrub-like with chenile-like leaves & stems |
Sun | Bright, Partial Shade |
Exposure |
Sheltered |
Soil | Free draining, plenty of Gravel |
Moisture | Dry in Winter |